What Happens if I Don’t Get a Needed Root Canal Treatment?

What Happens if I Don’t Get a Needed Root Canal Treatment?

If you’re dreading an upcoming root canal appointment, you are not alone. According to the American Association of Endodontics (AAE), root canal therapy is the most feared dental procedure of all. Despite its stigma, the simple, virtually pain-free treatment relieves pain rather than causing it and often makes the difference between saving and losing a natural tooth!

What Is Root Canal Therapy?

Inside the tooth is an area called the pulp chamber that houses the soft tissue containing blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues. Root canal therapy is an endodontic procedure required when the tooth’s pulp becomes infected or inflamed due to chips, cracks, deep decay, or trauma. It involves removing the damaged tooth pulp and sealing the tooth to prevent future infections, restoring it to a healthy, functional state. With proper care, your root canal-treated tooth can last a lifetime!

What Happens if You Don’t Get a Needed Root Canal Treatment?

Untreated tooth pulp damage can cause a host of problems. The infection can lead to an abscess, potentially resulting in the swelling of the face and neck and bone loss around the tooth’s roots. Moreover, the infection can spread to the rest of the body, potentially causing serious health concerns.

Unfortunately, tooth pulp damage will never heal on its own. It will only get worse! The pain may disappear for some time, but that does not mean that the infection is gone. The only option to maintain the affected tooth and restore its function and integrity is a root canal. Otherwise, the tooth will require extraction, which may necessitate restoration using a dental implant or bridge. Root canal therapy offers a simple and highly effective solution to maintain damaged teeth and avoid the need for extensive treatments down the road.

Signs You May Require Root Canal Therapy

Symptoms of damaged or diseased tooth pulp may include persistent tooth pain, sensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks, discomfort when biting or chewing, a loose tooth, tooth discoloration, or a recurring pimple that forms on the gum. Some patients also report facial swelling and pus oozing from the area surrounding the affected tooth. In some cases, tooth pulp damage does not produce any symptoms and can only be diagnosed during routine dental exams.

Root Canal Therapy Near Me

Contact Prime Endodontics in Houston, TX, if you have a painful or damaged tooth. Dr. Shakiba may recommend a root canal treatment to restore your healthy, functional smile. You can always trust her and her team for outstanding, gentle care. Call us and schedule your appointment today!