Root Canal Therapy in Houston, TX

According to the American Association of Endodontists (AAE), root canal therapy is the most feared dental procedure of all. Despite its reputation, the treatment is actually quick, fairly comfortable, and virtually pain-free. In fact, it relieves pain rather than cause it, and can prevent more complex dental problems down the road. At prime Endodontics, we use a gentle approach and offer dental sedation options for your comfort. You can always trust us for care that exceeds your expectations.

What Is Root Canal Therapy?

A tooth's root canal is the natural cavity in its center. This area, known as the pulp chamber, houses the tooth pulp and nerves. Decay, trauma, and periodontal (gum) disease can allow bacteria to enter the soft pulp area, creating a painful infection or inflammation. Root canal therapy is an endodontic procedure that involves the removal of the diseased tooth pulp, eliminating the infection and restoring your tooth to a healthy state. If not treated, the infection can cause an abscess, which can result in swelling of the neck and face and bone loss around the tooth roots.

Root canal therapy offers a simple yet effective solution to save a natural tooth and prevent the need for more extensive procedures down the road, such as tooth extraction or dental implants. At Prime Endodontics, we specialize in root canal therapy and utilize cutting-edge technology and techniques, as well as the latest comfort measures, to ensure you have an anxiety-free, successful experience.

What Are the Symptoms of a Root Canal Problem?

Symptoms of a root canal problem include severe tooth pain, sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, swollen or tender gums, tooth discoloration, and a recurring pimple that forms on the gums. At times, a tooth may need root canal therapy and may show no symptoms.

What Is the Root Canal Process?

During your consultation, Dr. Shakiba, our endodontist, will explain the details of your treatment and will outline our sedation options if needed. She will start the procedure by examining the tooth and taking 3D images for further evaluation.

Dr. Shakiba will numb the tooth and surrounding tissues using the latest analgesics and will administer dental sedation as required for your comfort. She will place a small protective sheet called a dental dam to isolate the affected area and to keep it free from saliva. Next, she will make a small opening in the tooth's crown and will remove the diseased pulp and will reshape the canal chambers. She will place medication and a biocompatible rubbery substance called gutta-percha inside the root canals to prevent re-infection. The last step is sealing the area with a filling material.

What Happens After Treatment?

After completing your root canal therapy, we will send the record of your treatment to your general dentist. You will need to contact their office for a follow-up restoration, usually a dental crown, to protect and preserve the treated tooth and to restore it to its full function. It is rare for complications after treatment. If, however, you have any concerns, please make sure you contact our office immediately.

Teeth that have undergone root canal therapy have the potential of lasting a lifetime. While the procedure has a 96% overall success rate, your continued oral health care practices will play a significant role in your tooth's long term health.

Root Canal Therapy Near Me

Contact Prime Endodontics to learn more about root canal therapy and how it can relieve you of pain and potentially save a damaged tooth. Dr. Shakiba and her team are committed to delivering quality, gentle care for exceptional results. Call us and schedule your appointment today!

Learn more about root canals from the American Association of Endodontists.

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